IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Dreams and Ambition

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Dreams and Ambition

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Dream and Ambition

  • What was your childhood dream?
  • Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams?
  • What is your dream job?
  • Do you think you are an ambitious person?

1. What was your childhood dream?

  • When I was young, I admired those people on TV, so I imagined myself becoming an actor someday. I had a passion for playing various roles, from action and kung fu to portraying different characters and working in front of a camera.
  • During my childhood, I had various dreams, but one that stands out is my dream of becoming a TV broadcaster. This dream began when I was 8 years old, after seeing TV reporters in action, and I instantly fell in love with the idea.

2. Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams?

  • In some sense, I’ve had to adapt my dreams. Coming from a place where achieving stardom is very difficult, I decided to pursue a career in computer science. However, my dream of performing is still there, although it’s not a top priority.
  • I believe I am the type of person who sticks to my dreams, as I did manage to achieve my childhood dream of becoming a broadcaster. While I’ve fulfilled that dream, I still have other aspirations I’d like to pursue. To work towards them, I engage in various exercises to build the skills needed to achieve my goals.

3. What is your dream job?

  • My dream job is to work in a corporate setting. With my earnings, I’d love to participate in theater acting or make an independent movie. I want to direct and act in my own film to showcase my talent in acting.
  • Although I initially wanted to be a broadcaster, my dream job now is to become a doctor. I believe this career would allow me to make a significant difference in people’s lives, and it feels like a better fit for me. If given the chance to change my decision, I would choose to become a doctor.

4. Do you think you are an ambitious person?

  • I would say that I tend to live in the moment, and sometimes my parents and I argue about whether I should be more ambitious, given my skills and resources. However, we don’t often discuss it because our arguments tend to escalate.
  • I wouldn’t describe myself as highly ambitious. My dreams include living comfortably with friends and family, but I don’t envision myself reaching for the stars or making a profound impact on the world. My aspirations are more focused on personal fulfillment and happiness.

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