IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Art

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Art

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Art

  • Do you like art?
  • Do you like visiting art galleries?
  • Do you want to be an artist?
  • Do you like modern art or traditional art?

Do you like art?

When I was younger, I had some interest in painting. In fact, I painted a lot starting from primary school. Unfortunately, I stopped when I got busy in middle school. However, I still enjoy engaging in various forms of artwork, such as painting, photography, and even video editing.

Do you like visiting art galleries?

I live in [Insert Town], and while there are plenty of art galleries here, they rarely change their exhibits, so I don’t find it as appealing to go there now. However, when I visit other cities, my friends usually like to explore some artwork, but it no longer excites me as much.

Do you want to be an artist?

While I have a passion for art, I see it more as a recreational pursuit rather than a professional one. Besides, becoming a successful artist often takes time, and financial stability is crucial. So, I prefer to pursue a different profession with a more lucrative salary.

Do you like modern art or traditional art?

I prefer modern art, considering that our country has an abundance of traditional art, which can sometimes feel a bit overrated. Having a unique and contemporary artwork appeals more to me.


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