IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Art

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Art

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Art

  • Do you like art?
  • Do you like visiting art galleries?
  • Do you want to be an artist?
  • Do you like modern art or traditional art?

Do you like art?

When I was younger, I had some interest in painting. In fact, I painted a lot starting from primary school. Unfortunately, I stopped when I got busy in middle school. However, I still enjoy engaging in various forms of artwork, such as painting, photography, and even video editing.

Do you like visiting art galleries?

I live in [Insert Town], and while there are plenty of art galleries here, they rarely change their exhibits, so I don’t find it as appealing to go there now. However, when I visit other cities, my friends usually like to explore some artwork, but it no longer excites me as much.

Do you want to be an artist?

While I have a passion for art, I see it more as a recreational pursuit rather than a professional one. Besides, becoming a successful artist often takes time, and financial stability is crucial. So, I prefer to pursue a different profession with a more lucrative salary.

Do you like modern art or traditional art?

I prefer modern art, considering that our country has an abundance of traditional art, which can sometimes feel a bit overrated. Having a unique and contemporary artwork appeals more to me.

1. Do you like art?

Although it might sound strange, I don’t really find art very appealing. I’m not interested in any forms of art, such as painting and music. Although I enjoy beautiful scenery, I can’t imagine myself going to a museum to look at different creations. I simply don’t have the enthusiasm or interest to be in those places. Whenever my friends ask me to go out, I make excuses not to go there. I believe some people feel the same way; they just hide it to avoid judgment from their peers. However, for me, I don’t have any interest in art.

2. Do you like visiting art galleries?

It’s a bit ironic—I don’t personally like art galleries, but I did work at one before. During the summer holidays, I worked as someone who ushered visitors and talked about different art. I had to memorize a lot of things back then, so I was in two different art galleries in the afternoon, but I didn’t like it. It was just more of a job. If I have friends from abroad who want to see the beauty of the place, then I would tour them, but it’s more for their entertainment and fun. I don’t want to be a party pooper and tell them that I don’t like the place. I just give them a fun time. For me, it’s more of a job.

3. Do you want to be an artist?

I want to enjoy the perks of being an artist without actually being one. In our country and even in Hollywood, being an artist means it’s acceptable to be weird and do things that most people consider taboo or strange. I’d like to have the freedom to do that, but it’s a luxury reserved for artists.

Moreover, when it comes to money, artists usually struggle for most of their lives. In fact, it’s often only after they’ve passed away or in their later years that they receive recognition. Overall, I prefer to be a regular person, but it would be nice to experience some of the privileges that artists enjoy.

4. Do you like modern art or traditional art?

Neither, actually. Traditional arts are those that have stood the test of time, and I don’t have much interest in them. However, I must say that their designs have been tested for decades, even centuries, so they deserve respect. On the other hand, modern art is a bit complicated, and that’s something I don’t like. It’s hard to judge or describe modern art.

To be honest, I’ve seen people praise certain modern art pieces as beautiful but struggle to explain why. It’s often said that when they see something, they can call it art, and if you don’t understand it, those people say you don’t have the eye of an artist. Needless to say, I don’t care much about art, whether it’s modern or traditional. However, when it comes to modern art, some of the fans are my problem, as some of them come across as pretentious.

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