Teach English Atbp (TEA) Podcast

Welcome to my podcast. In this section, TEA – Teaching English and Others (TEA) Podcast, we focus on teaching English to Filipino teachers, offering guidance and sharing personal experiences.

In our inaugural episode of TEA Podcast, join me, Ian, and my colleague Andy Bry as we delve into the world of IELTS. Having previously worked together, Andy brings a wealth of insight and shares trade secrets about the IELTS experience – both in face-to-face and online settings. 

This marks my initial venture into the podcasting realm, and I’m excited to explore more topics and feature additional teachers in the future. Stay tuned for engaging discussions and, of course, our signature enjoyment of tea throughout each episode! Subscribe now to be part of our growing community of educators.

Summary: In this episode, Ian highlights common mistakes he made as an ESL teacher to help others avoid these errors and improve their teaching.
Invest in Backup Systems: Use reliable backup equipment and power sources to prevent teaching disruptions. This includes having backup computers, phones, internet, and possibly a generator.
Understand Cultural Differences: Recognize how cultural backgrounds affect student participation and communication. Adjust your approach to meet these needs and set clear expectations.
Manage Time Zones: Be aware of time zone differences to schedule classes conveniently and avoid conflicts.
Learn About CEFR: Understand CEFR levels to assess students’ language proficiency accurately, create effective lesson plans, and place students in the right classes.Applying these strategies will boost your effectiveness as an online English teacher and improve the learning experience for your students.