IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Exciting Activities

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Exciting Activities

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Exciting Activities

  • Have you ever tried any exciting activities?
  • What do you think were exciting activities when you were a child?
  • Has anything exciting happened to you recently?
  • Would you like to try scuba diving and bungee jumping?

1. Have you ever tried any exciting activities?

In some areas of China, bungee jumping and other exciting activities are becoming more popular, especially among students who plan to travel abroad. Before they leave, they might try something thrilling or exciting just to experience it, as they might not have the chance to do so outside their country. We also have deep-sea diving and surfing available.

2. What do you think were exciting activities when you were a child?

As a child, exciting activities for me included going to Disney World for the first time or seeing new places. However, since we focused more on studying, these activities were rare. When we did travel, we were excited because it was a chance to get away from our studies and just relax.

3. Has anything exciting happened to you recently?

I’m not sure if this counts as exciting, but I recently received news that I will be entering a university in the UK. This is very exciting because there are many things I am unsure about, and it will be interesting and fun. Besides that, I don’t have many other exciting activities to mention.

4. Would you like to try scuba diving and bungee jumping?

Actually, I have tried both bungee jumping and scuba diving at least once or twice. The city I live in has a place nearby where you can try bungee jumping. It may not be as tall as some other places, but it’s still exciting. Similarly, for scuba diving, there is a short tutorial before you experience it. If you know someone who can guide you, it’s enjoyable to do scuba diving in a nearby sea or beach.

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