IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1: Arts

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Arts

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Arts

1. Do you like art?

To some degree, I would say I like art, particularly photographs and colors. It’s something that changed the way I see life, especially when you mix colors. I’m not really good at painting, but whenever I see good paintings or photographs, it just changes my mood. This led me to a deeper appreciation of art, and eventually, this concept manifested in my cooking as well. I believe cooking is also an art form, turning simple ingredients into something better, especially with the right color combinations. Unfortunately, I’m not a big fan of music or other types of art, but I understand why some people like them. It’s just not my cup of tea.

2. Do you like visiting art galleries?

I was fortunate to live in an area with many art galleries. The town I grew up in had three galleries, and one of them changed exhibits every 3 to 4 months, allowing me to enjoy a variety of art. I was also able to volunteer as a tour guide, focusing on historical art, for at least two years. This was my weekend activity, and I really enjoyed it. I have traveled to a few places to visit galleries, but not as extensively as some people.

3. Do you want to be an artist?

This is a tricky question because sometimes we confuse artists with entertainers. I wouldn’t want to be an artist in the sense of being bound by contracts to produce art for money, which can influence your creative freedom. For example, writers and directors can be considered artists, but they are often pressured to create a lot of work. However, if I could be an artist for myself, I would love to make my own paintings during my free time.

4. Do you like modern art or traditional art?

Since I’m into history, I prefer traditional art to modern art. Modern art can be very complicated, while traditional art is timeless and classic. Traditional art reflects the culture of the past and shows how people preserved it, which is nice to see even today. This enduring quality of traditional art makes me appreciate it more than modern art.

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