IELTS Speaking Part 1 – September to December 2024

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – September to December 2024

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – September to December 2024

This page is dedicated to IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions from September to December 2024. I will also collaborate with other websites that I manage so you can see different versions. I’m trying to provide different versions because not everyone has the same speaking ability. This is a more comprehensive collection of IELTS Speaking questions that I created for different companies.


Meet new friends/people 

  • Do you meet new people more often now than in the past?
  • Do you enjoy talking to new people?
  • Where can you meet new people?
  • Do you like meeting new people?
  • What do you often talk about with your new friends?
  • Have you made any new friends recently?
  • Did you make a lot of friends when you were a child?
  • Do you like making friends?

 Place of work/study

  • Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?
  • Do you prefer to work at home or in the workplace?
  • What part of your school do you like the most?
  • What is your favourite place to study?
  • Do you prefer to study at home or in a library?

Good view


IELTS Rizz Version

  • What is your favourite place? Why?
  • Would you take photos when you see a good view?
  • Have you seen an unforgettable and beautiful view or scenery?
  • What is the view like around the place where you live?


  • When was the last time you laughed?
  • Do you always laugh at funny things?
  • Are you a person who often makes others laugh?
  • Do you think you are a funny person?
  • Do you enjoy watching interesting and funny movies?


  • What do you dislike about teamwork?
  • What do you learn from working in a team?
  • Have you teamed up with someone else before?
  • Do you like teamwork?

IELTS Rizz Version 2023

  • Did you ever go fishing when you were a child? 
  • Do you like fishing? 
  • Do you like eating fish? 
  • Is fishing popular in your country?


  • Do you spend a lot of money on buying perfume? 
  • Do you send perfume to others as a gift? 
  • Where do you spray perfume? 
  • Do you use perfume? 
  • Do you like perfume?

Roads and streets

  • Are there any famous roads or streets in your country? 
  • Do you think the roads in your city need improvement? 
  • What is the condition of the roads in your city like? 
  • How do people cross the road in the city where you live? 
  • Are the roads and streets in the area where you live busy?


  • Did you use coins as a child? 
  • Do you use coins in your daily life? 
  • Is it convenient to use coins? 
  • Have you ever collected coins? 
  • Do you often carry coins with you?


  • Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
  • Do you have a teacher from your past that you still remember? 
  • Are you still in touch with your primary school teachers? 
  • In what way has your favourite teacher helped you? 
  • Do you have a favorite teacher?


  • Did you ride a bike when you were little?
  • Are bikes popular in China?
  • Do you often ride a bike now?
  • Do you have a bike now?
  • Did you have a bike when you were young?

IELTS Rizz – Riding a Bike


  • How do you usually deal with challenges in daily life? 
  • Do you like to live a life that has a lot of challenges?
  • Do you like to challenge yourself?
  • What subject do you think is the most challenging at school?

Childhood memory

  • Who did you like to play with as a child? 
  • Where did you go to play as a child? 
  • Do you think it is better for children to grow up in the city or in the countryside? 
  • What are your best childhood memories? 
  • Did you enjoy your childhood? 
  • What did you enjoy doing as a child?

Staying at home

  • What do you like to do in your free time when you’re at home? 
  • Would you like to stay at home a lot in the future? 
  • What did you often do at home as a child? 
  • What is your favourite place at home? 
  • What do you do when you stay at home? 
  • Are you a person who likes to stay at home?


  • Where is your school?
  • Do you like your school? 
  • Do you think your school is a good place to study? 
  • What is the environment like at your school? 
  • What do you think could be improved in your school? 
  • How important is interest in study? 
  • Which subject do you find challenging?

Workplaces Part 1

  • Do you like your job?
  • Do you currently have a good work environment? 
  • What do you think could be improved at your workplace? 
  • What do you think would be challenging when you start working in the future? 

Workplaces Part 2

  • Is there a place in your company that makes you feel relaxed? 
  • What are the advantages of a company having a relaxation room? 
  • Have you ever thought about changing jobs? 
  • How do you go to work? 
  • How do you go to school?

 Exciting activities

  • Would you like to try scuba diving and rock climbing? 
  • Has anything exciting happened to you recently? 
  • What do you think were exciting activities when you were a child? 
  • Have you ever tried any exciting activities? 

E-books and paper books 

Version 1

  • Do you think paper books will disappear in the future? 
  • Will you read more online in the future? 
  • What do you usually read online? 
  • Which do you prefer, e-books or paper books? 


  • Do you often talk with your friends about the news? 
  • Have you read the news this morning? 
  • How do your friends get news? 
  • How do you usually find news?
  • Are you interested in news?


  • What would you do without the internet? 
  • Do you think you spend too much time online? 
  • How does the internet influence people?
  • How often do you go online? 
  • When did you start using the internet?


  • Would you like to change your morning routine? 
  • Are there any differences between the mornings of your childhood and now? 
  • Do you think breakfast is important? 
  • What do you usually eat for breakfast? 

Music/Musical instruments

  • Do schools in your country have music lessons? 
  • Do a lot of people like music?
  • Do you think music education is important for children? 
  • Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?
  • What musical instruments do you enjoy listening to the most? 
  • Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? 


  • Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends? 
  • Do you often go to the cinema with your friends? 
  • Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child? 
  • Did you often watch films when you were a child? 
  • What films do you like?


  • How are languages taught and learned in your school? 
  • How do you learn a foreign language? 
  • What languages would you like to learn in the future? 
  • What languages can you speak? 
  • What kinds of difficulties would you have if you want to learn a new language?

The city you live in Part 1

  • Would you recommend your city to others? 
  • What’s the weather like where you live?
  • Do you often see your neighbors?
  • Is the city friendly to children and old people?
  • Are the people friendly in the city?

The city you live in Part 2

  • Are there people of different ages living in this city? 
  • Is this city your permanent residence? 
  • Are there big changes in this city? 
  • How long have you lived in this city?
  • Do you like this city? Why? 
  • What city do you live in?

Happy things

  • Do you think people are happy when buying new things? 
  • Do you feel happy when buying new things? 
  • When do you feel happy at work? Why? 
  • What do you think will make you feel happy in the future? 
  • What made you happy when you were little? 
  • Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately? 


  • Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation? 
  • Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable? 
  • Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?
  • How often do you wear T-shirts? 
  • Do you like wearing T-shirts?

Doing sports Part 1

  • Do you know any schoolmates who are good at sports?
  • Should schools encourage young students to take more physical exercise? 
  • Do you think it is important for people to exercise?
  • Do you know any people who are good at sports?

Doing sports 

  • Do you think students need more exercise? 
  • Did you do some sports when you were young? 
  • Where did you learn how to do it?
  • What sports do you like?

Daily routine

  • What part of your day do you like best? 
  • Do you think it is important to have a daily routine for your study? 
  • Have you ever changed your routine? 
  • What is your daily study routine?


  • Do you like science?
  • When did you start to learn about science?
  • Which science subject is interesting to you?
  • What kinds of interesting things have you done with science? 
  • Do you like watching science TV programs? 
  • Do Chinese people often visit science museums? 


  • Would you prefer an exciting holiday or a peaceful holiday? 
  • Do you prefer a leisurely or a busy holiday? 
  • Do you like to spend your day at home? 
  • What do you do on holidays? 
  • Which public holiday do you like best? 
  • Do you like holidays? Why?
  • Where did you go for your last holiday?


  • Are you a cool-headed person? 
  • Do you often feel relaxed? 
  • Does listening to music make you feel relaxed? 
  • What kinds of places or environments would make you feel relaxed? 
  • Do you think students need more relaxing time? 
  • Do you think vacation is a good time to relax? 
  • Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax? 
  • What would you do to relax? 


  • Do numbers matter to you? 
  • Are you good at math?
  • Do you usually use numbers? 
  • Are you good at remembering phone numbers?
  • What’s your favorite number?

Pen & Pencil

  • What do you think if someone gives you a pen or pencil as a present? 
  • Do you usually use a pen or a pencil? 
  • When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil? 
  • Which do you use more often? Pen or pencil? 


  • Do you have anything to share with others recently? 
  • What kind of things are not suitable for sharing? 
  • What kind of things do you like to share with others? 
  • Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?

Morning routines

  • Do you like to get up early in the morning? 
  • What is your morning routine? 
  • Is breakfast important?
  • What do you do right after getting up in the morning?


  • Do Chinese people send plants as gifts? 
  • Do you know anything about growing a plant? 
  • What plant did you grow when you were young? 
  • Do you keep plants at home?

Studies and Working

  • What subjects are you studying? 
  • Do you like your subject? 
  • Why did you choose to study that subject? 
  • Do you think that your subject is popular in your country? 
  • Do you have any plans for your studies in the next five years? 

 Social media

  • What do people often do on social media? 
  • Do your friends use social media? 
  • Do you think you spend too much time on social media? 
  • When did you start using social media?

 Home & Accommodation 

  • Who do you live with? 
  • Do you live in an apartment or a house? 
  • What part of your home do you like the most? 
  • What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? 
  • What kind of house or apartment do you want to live in in the future? 
  • What room does your family spend most of the time in? 
  • What do you usually do in your apartment? 
  • What kinds of accommodation do you live in? 


  • Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? 
  • Please describe your hometown a little. 
  • What’s your hometown famous for? 
  • Did you learn about the history of your hometown at school? 
  • Are there many young people in your hometown? 
  • Is your hometown a good place for young people to pursue their careers?

 The area you live in

  • Do you live in a noisy or a quiet area? 
  • Are the people in your neighborhood nice and friendly? 
  • Do you like the area that you live in? 
  • Where do you like to go in that area? 
  • Do you know any famous people in your area? 
  • What are some changes in the area recently? 
  • Do you know any of your neighbours?