IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Doing Sports

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Doing Sports

IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Doing Sports

  • What sports do you like?
  • Where did you learn how to do it?
  • Did you do some sports when you were young?
  • Do you think students need more exercise?
  • Do you know any people who are good at sports?
  • Do you think it is important for people to exercise?
  • Should schools encourage young students to take more physical exercise?

1. What sports do you like?

I’m a fan of both watching and playing table tennis and basketball. Playing basketball is exciting because it lets me work with other people and enjoy a team environment. Table tennis is more of an indoor game, so I enjoy it when the weather is bad and we need a quick game. Both sports are fun and exciting in their own ways.

2. Where did you learn how to do it?

Besides learning sports in school, I was fortunate to live close to a basketball court, so I learned basketball early on. When I was younger, my grandfather had a table tennis setup. The interesting part was that it was only half a table, fixed to the wall so the ball could bounce. My first competition in table tennis was against the wall!

3. Did you do any sports when you were young?

Apart from table tennis and basketball, I did some other sports in PE or activities, but we didn’t pursue them seriously. We focused more on regular exercise like running and jogging to stay fit, rather than excelling in a specific sport. Our parents preferred us to do regular exercise to avoid accidents that could happen in more intense sports.

4. Do you think students need more exercise?

Yes, regular exercise helps students think better. Studies show that moving your body and exercising can help your brain retain information more effectively than just cramming information all at once.

5. Do you know any people who are good at sports?

I know an acquaintance named [insert name], who is one of the most celebrated table tennis players in our country. He brought glory to us in the last Olympics. He is a genius at the sport and remains so calm and relaxed during competitions, even when others are panicking.

6. Do you think it is important for people to exercise?

Yes, exercising is important for a longer and healthier life. It helps the body improve itself and remove toxins through sweat. Without exercise, you might live a shorter life or stay sick more often.

7. Should schools encourage young students to take more physical exercise?

I believe schools should encourage more physical exercise by reducing academic workload. Schools often focus on achieving higher scores rather than giving students time to relax or exercise. Schools can promote physical activity, but parents should also support this effort.

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